Build Back Links with Forum Posting

All internet businesses are concerned about drawing more traffic to their websites. They want their sites to be famous, and their name to be out there. If you have also tried doing that, then you must have heard about back links.

Back links are the links that you leave on other websites or blogs, and they point towards your website. They are one of the best ways to draw traffic to your site.

Talking about back links, there are many ways by which you can build them. One of the most famous ways to build back links is forum posting.

Forums are a great way to exchange information and share knowledge. When you join a forum, you can start your own thread, or reply to someone else’s threads. Now, you can put a link to your website in your signature. When you post something on a forum, your signature comes at the bottom of your post.

This little hyperlink will point back to your website, and will serve the dual purpose of directing the readers to your website, as well as building up your page rank. When you do forum posting, you also build the credibility of your website. This is because if your posts are informative and to-the-point, then people will start to know you as a knowledgeable person and thus will get attracted towards your website. But you need to take care that your posts should not be just for the purpose of advertising. If you join a forum merely for advertisement purposes, the moderators will delete your posts, and suspend your account. More than that, people will get irritated by your posts, and they will actually drift away from your website, thereby leaving a negative effect.

Here is how you can make your signature:

“Your company name”, “product”, and “url”. Make sure that it is short and sweet- under 10 words is your best bet. You can even do hyper linking instead of posting direct URL there.

When you post your answers, make sure you are polite, respectful, and friendly. Bad postings will mean a bad reputation and thus harm for your website.

Why Do People Use a Web Presenter

There are billions of people on the internet, and there are more than 200 million searches carried out on Google each day. There are thousands of websites, and you can find several websites selling the same products or services that you are selling. With such a strict competition, how do you keep up and make sure that your customers prefer your website more than others.

When a person lands on your website, he will look around for about 3 seconds, and form an opinion of your site. If you can catch his attention in those 3 seconds, then your work is half done. With long and boring texts to read, most people skip to other websites. So how do you catch their attention? The answer lies in a simple thing called a web presenter.

You must have visited some websites that have videos that start playing as soon as you land on them. These videos focus some people, who talk about their website and explain their products or services to you. These people are called web presenters and their task is to get you to understand their site better.

Now, if you implement this concept in your website, what benefits will you get? Your video can be a step-by-step instructional video that helps people understand your product, or it can just be an informative and educative video talking about your services.

There can even be some web presenters that walk into your screen from left or right corners. You can even go ahead a step and get a web presenter that rolls his eyeballs and looks at your mouse pointer wherever it goes. These web presenters quickly catch the attention of your customers, and they decide to stay on your website, and get to know about your products/ services.

Web presenters need a script that they use while presenting your website. This script can either be provided by you, or by the web presentation company. If you provide your own script, then they would charge you less, but it is advisable to use their scripts since they are professional people.